Sue Cave is the coordinator of the 'Association for Language Learning' Thames Valley Primary Hub. Primary Hubs are a network of support groups for anyone involved in the teaching of languages in primary schools. The Thames Valley group meets once a term to give teachers an opportunity to share ideas and best practice. It is FREE to attend.
The Association for Language Learning (ALL) is the major subject association for those involved in teaching foreign languages at all levels. It provides information and publications; organises professional development activities; acts as a public voice on behalf of members. The cost of membership for a primary school is £50 a year. For more information about membership go to: Association for Language Learning
The date of the next meeting will be Wednesday 11th June 2025 4.00pm via Zoom
The focus of the meeting will be Using bi-lingual dictionaries in KS2 It is FREE to attend.
Please email to confirm attendance.
This is a list of topics discussed in previous meetings.
ALL Thames Valley meeting topicsPDF file, size: 132.1KBHere are the notes to download:
Next meeting - Thursday 6th March 2025 4.00 - 5.30pm via Zoom
PHOrum is a termly online meeting for ALL members and is free. At each meeting there will be a Primary Languages Roadshow with news and updates followed by presentations on primary themes.